# Module

A Module extends the functionality of a Widget. It allows deeper intregration and file generation.

The Module is therefore mostly used in your tick function or with the modules provider of the Pack.

It is supposed to make the concept of animations, timers and continuous ticks easier and gives an high level interface to add complex operations to objD.

# Definition

A Module has like a Widget a generate method to return the underlying tree and a registerFiles method.

class ExampleModule extends Module {
	Widget generate(Context context){
		return ...
	List<File> registerFiles(){
		return [

The registered files are just added to the pack as if they were defined in it or in the Widget tree.

A Module can still be used as a widget everywhere and also handles conditions and groups.

# ScoreTimerModule

The ScoreTimerModule implements a continuous timer with a delay of a number of ticks. It therefore uses a Score to count up or down in steps and resets to the start value afterwards.

To work probably this has to be executed every tick or added to the Packs modules.

String the name of the Timer and the Scoreboard
ticks the delay as Time between each execution(required)
child a Widget that is executed after the delay
steps the number that it counts up every time(default = 1)
start a number that is used to reset the timer after the delay(default = 0)
selector a custom selector to hold the score (default = playername of name)
path a custom path to hold the required function(default = timers/)


          ticks: 200.ticks, // 10sec
          child: Log("Timer triggered"),
          steps: 1,
          start: 0,

# ClickEvent

The ClickEvent Module uses the trigger of a carrot on a stick to register right clicks with a scoreboard and execute a [onClick] Widget.

This module has to be executed every tick to work!

name used to identify different click Events
onClick Widget that is executed if the COAS is clicked
selectedItem just triggers the click if this Item is selected(optional)
path path to create the click handler function(default = events/)


	onClick: Log("Clicked"),
	name: "firstClick",
	selectedItem: Item(Items.carrot_on_a_stick),
	path: "events/"

# CustomBlock

This Module allows you to create infinite new blocks in the game. It works by providing a [block] and an [item] that acts as a model for the new block.

String unique id for your block
Item The item that should be used to place the block(you must use a spawnegg)
block the Block giving your custom block a hitbox(required)
blockModel Item that overrides the item for the block Model
breakItem The Item to kill if a player breaks the item(default = provided block)
main Widget that runs every tick in the block
onPlaced Widget that gets executed when the block is placed
onBreak Widget that gets executed when the block is broken
tag List of Strings of Tags to apply to the block entity
generatePack whether to generate the custom block as pack(default = true)
useItemFrame display the block in an invisible Item Frame(default = false)
fire set the entity on fire to hide graying out when using a solid block(default = false)

You can use getItem() on your created block to get the spawnegg with all the required nbt data. This can be used further.

When using the spawnegg an invisible armorstand or itemframe will spawn displaying the block model. This gives the illusion that this is a new block.

With CustomModelData (model in objD) you can make as many of these as you want.


import 'package:objd/custom_block.dart';

		Items.chicken_spawn_egg,model: 2,
		name: TextComponent('Creative Block'),
	block: Blocks.stone,
	useItemFrame: true,
	generatePack: false,
Last Updated: 6/17/2023, 11:39:58 PM