# Command Wrappers
In this section are a few classes that build commands with inputs(Entities, Texts, Blocks, Locations).
# Comment
The Comment widget generates a simple line with some annotations(# ...). It also features a simple line break and a Null Value: Example:
Comment("hello world")
⇒ # hello world
Comment.Null() // dead end in widget tree
⇒ ##########
# Comment.FileHeader
This constructor generates a header for a File that includes context information, a description and the author.
Comment.FileHeader | |
String | a description of the functionality of the current file |
author | prints your name in the header(optional) |
calledFrom | tells other people where this file is called(optional) |
context | which entity executes the file with which position? |
To avoid repeating your name all the time, objd does it automatically when set the constant Comment.Author before using it:
Comment.Author = 'Stevertus'
It is a good practise to combine the Header with the File's header property: Example:
header: Comment.FileHeader(
"tests whether the entity exists",
calledFrom: "main",
context: "@s",
# Author:
# Stevertus
# Description:
# tests whether the entity exists
# Called in:
# main
# Context:
# Execute
One of the most used commands has a widget too. The execute command has multiple syntaxes that allow to manipulate the position, executer or condition.
constructor | |
children | a List of children that should be executed(required) |
encapsulate | weither the children should be in an extra file for a certain length |
as | an Entity that runs the commands |
at | an Entity from where the command should run |
If | a Condition that must be true to execute the commands |
location | a Location, Heightmap or Entity from where to run the commands |
align | String with align statements e.g: "xyz" |
anchor | either Facing.eyes or Facing.feet |
facing | A Location or Entity to rotate to |
rotation | A rotation of type Rotation |
dimension | Dimension of overworld, the_end or the_nether |
targetFilePath | force the group to use this path instead of /objd/ |
targetFileName | force the group to use this name instead of automatic generated names |
All Execute classes are also an Group, so they will group commands in seperate files and allow multiple children. Example:
as: Entity.player(),
at: Entity.Selected(),
If: Condition.entity(Entity())
location: Location.here(),
align: "yz",
anchor: Facing.eyes,
facing: Location().glob(x:0,y:0,z:0)
rotation: Rotation.rel(x:10,y:20),
dimension: Dimension.the_nether
children: List<Widget> [
Command("/say I get executed")
Say("Me too")
⇒ execute as at if entity positioned ~ ~ ~ align yz anchored eyes facing 0 0 0 rotated ~10 ~20 in the_nether run say I get executed
execute as at if entity positioned ~ ~ ~ align yz anchored eyes facing 0 0 0 rotated ~10 ~20 in the_nether run say Me too
Execute. as | |
Entity | the entity from which the children should run |
children | a List of children that should be executed |
[encapsulate] | same as base |
This is just a different notation for Execute.
children: List<Widget> [
Command("/say I get executed")
⇒ execute as run say I get executed
Execute. at | |
Entity | the entity from where the children should run |
children | a List of children that should be executed |
[encapsulate] | same as base |
children: List<Widget> [
Command("/say I get executed")
⇒ execute at run say I get executed
Execute.asat | |
Entity | the entity from which and where the children should run |
children | a List of children that should be executed |
[encapsulate] | same as base |
Asat combines as and at to just one entity.
children: List<Widget> [
Command("/say I get executed")
⇒ execute as at run say I get executed
Execute.positioned | |
Entity|Location|Heightmap | the new position |
... |
Positioned sets the execution point of the command to a new Location or Entity.
Entity.player(), // Location...
children: List<Widget> [
Command("/say I get executed")
⇒ execute positioned at run say I get executed
When given a Heightmap, sets the y-coordinate to the current positions heightmap(world_suface, motion_blocking, motion_blocking_no_leaves, ocean_floor
) by generating the over subcommand:
Heighmap.motion_blocking, // Location...
children: List<Widget> [
Command("/say I get executed")
⇒ execute positioned over motion_blocking run say I get executed
Execute.align | |
String | representation of the alignment |
... |
Aligns the position to the corners of the block grid.
Execute.on | |
Relation | relation type either Relation.attacker, Relation.controller, Relation.leasher, Relation.origin, Relation.owner, Relation.passengers, Relation.target, Relation.vehicle |
... |
Changes the executor to a related entity, but keeps the position the same
Execute.summon | |
EntityType | the type of entity to summon, eg Entities.sheep |
... |
Summons a new entity at execution position and changes the executor to this summoned entity.
children: [
Execute.anchored | |
Facing | Facing.eyes or Facing.feet |
... |
Sets the execution position(^ ^ ^) to the eyes or the feet.
Execute.facing | |
Entity or Location | the target to face(required) |
facing | either face the Facing.eyes(default) or Facing.feet |
... |
Sets the execution rotation so that it faces a location or an entity's feet or eyes. Example:
Entity.player(), // or Location...
facing: Facing.feet // optional
children: List<Widget> [
Command("/say I get executed")
⇒ execute facing entity feet run say I get executed
Execute.rotated | |
Rotation | the rotation object |
... |
Sets the execution rotation to the given rotation.
Execute.dimension | |
Dimension | the given dimension type |
... |
Sets the execution dimension(execute in) to either Dimension.overworld
, Dimension.the_end
or Dimension.the_nether
# Methods
All of these constructors are also available as methods with some additional utils:
Methods | |
center | centeres the alignment(middle of the block) with optional height(default = 0.5) |
That means you can chain the actions, like with score, and use multiple actions at once:
// declaring the base
Execute ex = Execute(
Command("say e")
// in the generate method:
⇒ execute as at align xyz positioned ~0.5 ~0.5 ~0.5 positioned ~ ~20 ~ run say Hello
execute as at align xyz positioned ~0.5 ~0.5 ~0.5 positioned ~ ~20 ~ run say e
# If
The if widget accepts a Condition and runs the children if the condition is true. If just gives you an execute wrapper with if and else statements. The conditions have their own class.
constructor | |
Condition | the condition |
then | a List of Wigets that runs on match |
orElse | a List of Widget that runs if it does not match(optional) |
targetFilePath | force the group to use this path instead of /objd/ |
targetFileName | force the group to use this name instead of automatic generated names |
encapsulate | bool whether it should create a new file |
assignTag | the Entity that recieves the tag(when specifing orElse) |
useTag | a tag that should be used instead of objd_isTrue |
then: [
orElse: [
⇒ execute if entity run tag add objd_isTrue
⇒execute if entity [tag=objd_isTrue] run say true
⇒execute unless entity [tag=objd_isTrue] run say false
You can also negate the Condition with If.not
then: [
⇒ execute unless entity run say true
# Condition
The Condition class defines conditions for the if widget and more. It can also combines conditions and generates an argument list.
constructor | |
dynamic | the thing you want to test |
Well it is not as easy as it looks. A condition can accept many values and this makes the Condition very complex.
The argument can be a... | and generates e.g | |
Block | if block ~ ~ ~ minecraft:stone | To test a specific location use Condition.block |
Entity | if entity @s | |
Score | if score @s objective matches 5 | Attention! This needs a score condition method! |
Data.get | if data entity @s flying | Just Data.get is accepted! |
Tag | if entity @s[tag=test] | turns a tag into an entity |
Location | unless block ~ ~2 ~ air | Just checks whether a block is present |
Biome | if biome minecraft:desert | Checks if the current execution location is in a biome |
Dimension | if dimension minecraft:overworld | Checks if the current execution location is in a dimension |
Condition | if entity @s if block ~ ~ ~ stone | Yes, you can nest Conditions like Widgets and combine them. |
⇒ execute if entity run say entity
⇒ execute unless block ~ ~ ~ minecraft:air run say block
⇒ execute unless score Stevertus objective matches 10 run say score
For Score, Block, Biome, Dimension and Entity there is also a named constructor along with:
Condition.blocks | |
Area | the Area of blocks that you want to compare |
compare | the lowest comparison Location of the area of the same size |
masked | optionally ignore air(default = false) |
Condition.block: also requires a block type:
block: Blocks.stone
⇒ execute if block ~ ~ ~ minecraft:stone run say stone
Condition.loaded: checks if the chunk of the location is loaded:
then: [
Condition.predicate: checks for a predicate:
then:[Say('predicate true')],
⇒ execute if predicate example:new run say predicate true
Condition.not: accepts same dynamic condition types as above but negates them (if ⇒ unless, unless ⇒ if)
Condition.and: accepts a list of dynamic condition types, that all have to be true to trigger:
⇒ execute unless block ~ ~ ~ minecraft:air if entity if ... run say true
Condition.or: accepts a list of dynamic condition types, but just one has to be true to trigger:
⇒ execute unless block ~ ~ ~ minecraft:air run tag add objd_isTrue1
⇒ execute if entity run tag add objd_isTrue1
⇒ execute if ... run tag add objd_isTrue1
⇒ execute as if entity [tag=objd_isTrue1] run say true
⇒ tag remove objd_isTrue1
Just temporary, will be done with tags later...
With this knowledge we can build pretty complex logical conditions:
Area(x1: 0, y1: 0, z1: 0, x2: 10, y2: 10, z2: 10),
compare: Location('~ ~ ~'),
then: [Say("I'm done")]
execute if entity unless entity run tag add objd_isTrue1
execute if entity unless blocks 0 0 0 10 10 10 ~ ~ ~ run tag add objd_isTrue1
execute if entity if score test matches 0..5 run tag add objd_isTrue1
execute as if entity [tag=objd_isTrue1] run say I'm done
tag remove objd_isTrue1
# Team
The team Wiget is a wrapper for the team command and allows you to group entities together and apply group rules.
There are a few constructors:
Team(String) - just adds a new team Team.add(String,[options]) - adds the team and also applies some modifiers to it(take a look at Team.modify) Team.empty(String) - clears the team and removes all entities in it Team.join(String, Entity) - adds the entity to the team(an entity can only be in one team at a time) Team.leave(Entity) - the entity is removed from their current team
Team.modify or Team.add | |
String | name of the team |
display | TextComponent showing the team name in chat or scoreboard |
color | the teams Color |
nametag | Either ModifyTeam.[always,never,hideForOtherTeam,hideForOwnTeam] |
collision | Either ModifyTeam.[always,never,pushOtherTeams,pushOwnTeam] |
deathMessage | Either ModifyTeam.[always,never,hideForOtherTeam,hideForOwnTeam] |
friendlyFire | Should a member be able to hit a team mate?(bool) |
seeInvisisble | Should a member be able to see an invisible team mate?(bool) |
prefix | a String showing in front of a player name |
suffix | a String showing after a player name |
display: TextComponent("Hello"),
friendlyFire: true,
suffix: "Test",
deathMessage: ModifyTeam.hideForOwnTeam
⇒ team add test
⇒ team modify test displayName {"text":"Hello"}
⇒ team modify test color red
⇒ team modify test deathMessageVisibility hideForOwnTeam
⇒ team modify test friendlyFire true
⇒ team modify test collisionRule always
⇒ team modify test suffix Test
# Effect
This command is used to give an entity a specific effect and affect their gameplay.
constructor | |
EffectType | the kind of effect - usage: EffectType.[effect_id] |
entity | the Entity you want to give the effect to(required) |
duration | the Time the effect should last(default = 30 seconds), can also be Time.infinite |
amplifier | the strength of the effect(default = 1) |
showParticles | bool if effect particles should be visible(default = true) |
entity: Entity.Player(),
duration: 20.seconds,
amplifier: 3,
showParticles: false
⇒ effect give minecraft:jump_boost 20 3 true
Of course you can clear an effect again:
constructor | |
Entity | the entity that you want to clear |
EffectType | the type of effect you want to clear(optional) |
⇒ effect clear minecraft:jump_boost
From version 19.4 you can use Time.infinite() as duration to make the effect last forever
entity: Entity.Player(),
duration: Time.infinite(),
⇒ effect give minecraft:saturation infinite 1
# SetBlock
The SetBlock Command Class sets a Block at the specified location:
constructor | |
Block | the Block type you want to set |
location | where you want to set the block |
nbt | nbt as Map for the block |
location: Location.glob(
x: 5,
y: 0,
z: 20
⇒ setblock 5 0 20 minecraft:stone
# Fill
Fill acts similar to setblock, but fills a whole area instead.
constructor | |
Block | the fill material |
area | the Area to fill |
Tip: There are also constructors for Fill.destroy, Fill.hollow, Fill.outline and Fill.keep
area: Area.fromLocations(
Location.glob(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0),
Location.glob(x: 10, y: 20, z: 10)
⇒ fill 0 0 0 10 20 10 minecraft:dirt
You can also just replace specific other blocks:
Fill.replace | |
... | Everything the same |
replace | the Block type you want to replace |
area: Area.fromLocations(
Location.glob(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0),
Location.glob(x: 10, y: 20, z: 10)
replace: Blocks.stone,
⇒ fill 0 0 0 10 20 10 minecraft:dirt replace minecraft:stone
# Clone
The clone command clones an Area to another Location with different modes.
constructor | |
Area | The Area that you want to copy |
to | A Location where to paste the area |
from | Dimension to clone from(optional) |
into | Dimension to clone into(optional) |
to: Location.here(),
from: Dimension.overworld,
⇒ clone from minecraft:overworld 0 0 0 10 10 10 ~ ~ ~
There are also the masked and replace modes:
Clone.masked or Clone.replace | |
Area | ... |
to | ... |
mode | a String assembling another option(optional. either normal, force or move) |
from | Dimension to clone from(optional) |
into | Dimension to clone into(optional) |
The same goes with Clone.filtered
but it also accepts a property called block to just copy the specified block
to: Location.here(),
block: Blocks.air,
mode: "move"
⇒ clone 0 0 0 10 10 10 ~ ~ ~ filtered minecraft:air move
# Say
The Say Class writes a simple message or an entity in the chat.
constructor | |
msg | MessageString or Entity |
⇒ say Hello
⇒ say
# Give
Gives a item to a player.
constructor | |
Entity | The player |
item | the Item you want to give(required) |
item: Item(
count: 5
⇒ give minecraft:apple 5
# ReplaceItem/Item
Changes Item data of a specific container slot. Depending on the project version this uses /replaceitem or the /item command.
for Entities:
constructor | |
Entity | The entity |
item | the Item you want to set(required) |
slot | a Slot Object with the slot set(required) |
slot: Slot.Hotbar5,
item: Item(
count: 5,
model: 339001,
⇒ item replace entity hotbar.5 with minecraft:apple{CustomModelData:339001} 5
This works the same with ReplaceItem.block:
ReplaceItem.block | |
Location | The block location |
item | the Item you want to set(required) |
slot | a Slot Object with the slot set(required) |
To copy an Item from one slot to another use ReplaceItem.from
ReplaceItem.from | |
Location or Entity | the target container to copy to |
slot | the slot to copy to(required) |
from | another Location or Entity to copy from(required) |
fromSlot | the slot to copy from(required) |
modifier | an item modifier path |
slot: Slot.Hotbar5,
from: Location.here(),
fromSlot: Slot.Container1,
⇒ item replace entity hotbar.5 from block ~ ~ ~ container.1
ReplaceItem.modify takes a modifier path and applies it to an slot.
To clear a specific slot you can use ReplaceItem.clear
# Particle
The particle command spawns particles in the world to enhance certain graphics.
constructor | |
ParticleType | the type of the particle( Particles.[particle_id] ) |
location | where to show the particle(required) |
delta | the directions in which the particle expands(Location.glob, optional) |
speed | the speed of the expanding particle(optional, but delta required) |
count | the amount of particles(optional, but delta required) |
force | bool if the particle should be visible from far away(optional) |
location: Location.here(),
⇒ particle minecraft:flame ~ ~ ~
location: Location.here(),
delta: Location.glob(x: 1,y:4,z:0),
speed: 2
count: 100,
force: false
⇒ particle minecraft:end_rod ~ ~ ~ 1 4 0 2 100 normal
For the Block and Item particle(shows item or block break) there is a named constructor:
Particle.block or Particle.item | |
Item or Block | the block or item you want to show |
falling | wheither to display the falling version of a block particle(default=false) |
... | same as Particle |
⇒ particle minecraft:block sandstone ~ ~ ~
Particle.dust gives an interface to generate dust particles with some color and size:
Particle.dust | |
r | red value(0.0 to 1.0) |
g | green value(0.0 to 1.0) |
b | blue value(0.0 to 1.0) |
size | size of the dust(0.0 to 4.0) |
... | same as Particle |
Particle.dust(0,0.5,1.0, size: 1.0)
⇒ particle minecraft:dust 0 0.5 1.0 1.0 ~ ~ ~
# Summon
The summon class creates a new entity at a given location.
constructor | |
EntityType | the type of entity(required) |
location | the location as type Location(default Location.here()) |
name | a TextComponent respresenting the name of the entity |
nameVisible | bool if name is shown |
invulnerable | bool |
persistent | bool |
noAI | bool |
silent | bool |
small | bool |
gravity | bool (put negated value in NoGravity) |
glowing | bool |
passengers | List of Summon Widgets that ride the entity |
effects | List of Effects |
tags | List of tags as String |
fire | ticks(int) the entity should be on fire |
age | int |
rotation | initial Rotation |
nbt | additional nbt as Map(key-value pairs) |
location: Location.rel(x: 0,y:1,z:0),
name: TextComponent("this is my name",color: Color.DarkBlue),
small: true,
gravity: false,
fire: 100,
effects:[Effect(EffectType.glowing,duration: 10,showParticles:false)],
rotation: Rotation.abs(x: 10,y:100),
nbt: {"Invisible":1},
⇒ summon armor_stand ~ ~1 ~ {"Invisible":1,"CustomName":"{\"text\":\"this is my name\",\"color\":\"dark_blue\"}","Invulnerable":1,"Small":1,"NoGravity":1,"ActiveEffects":[{"Id":24,"Amplifier":0,"Duration":200,"ShowParticles":0}],"Fire":100,"Rotation":[10.0,100.0]}
# Summon.select
If you have an existing Summon object(or Armorstand) you can invoke .select
to give you a corresponding Entity
Summon(Entities.chicken, tags: ['sel']).select(limit: 1) ⇒ [type=chicken, tag: sel, limit: 1]
For the options you can also set the used selector and whether to use tags or type.
# Item.SpawnEgg
Gives you an Item object that can hold summon data for a spawnegg.
Item.SpawnEgg | |
Item | the type of spawnegg |
Summon | a summon widget that tells it what entity to create by clicking |
... | all other arguments of the item also apply |
⇒ {"id": "minecraft:pig_spawn_egg", "tag": {"EntityTag": {"id": "minecraft:cow"}}}
# Schedule
Schedule schedules a file for the future. It delays its execution by the given time.
constructor | |
String | name of a function(without namespace) |
ticks | the delay as Time |
mode | either ScheduleMode.replace or ScheduleMode.append |
You can also use Schedule.file that requires a file instead to define both in one statement.
⇒ schedule function example:timer 20t
# Schedule.append
Appends a Scheduled Function to the current Schedule.
It is also possible to directly generate files with Schedule.appendFile:
⇒ schedule function example:timer 20s append
# Schedule.clear
Clears all schedules for a function.
⇒ schedule clear example:timer
# Teleport/Tp
Sets the location of an Entity to a new Location and Rotation(optional).
constructor | |
Entity | the entity you want to teleport(required) |
to | the target Location(required) |
facing | a Location or Entity to face |
rotation | a Rotation object defining the new rotation |
to: Location.glob(x: 5, y: 10, z: 5),
facing: Location.here()
⇒ tp 5 10 5 facing ~ ~ ~
And you can also teleport to another entity:
Teleport.entity | |
Entity | the entity you want to teleport(required) |
to | the target entity(required) |
facing | a Location or Entity to face |
to: Entity(name: "target", limit: 1)
⇒ tp [name="target",limit=1]
# Trigger
Trigger is a way to give the player(without op) permission to change his score in a scoreboard.
The permission must be granted with Trigger.enable
Trigger.enable | |
Score | the entity and score to enable |
Then you can trigger the score:
constructor | |
String | the objective to change |
addNew | if the objective should automatically be created(default = true) |
Or add or set a specific value:
Trigger.add or Trigger.set | |
String | ... |
value | an int to add to the current value(required) |
addNew | ... |
value: 5
⇒ trigger test_objective set 5
# Advancement
The advancement gives you a convenient interface to trigger or revoke specific advancements and advancement groups. It implements the advancement command.
This gives the advancement to the player:
Advancement.grant | |
Entity | the target player |
String | your advancement |
mode | the advancement mode(default = only, modes are also seperate constructors) |
criterium | optional String criterium for an advancement |
You can also revoke it again:
Advancement.revoke | |
. . . | same as Advancement.grant |
# Named Constructors
Every mode also has a seperated named constructor:
Advancement.everything | Unlocks everything |
Entity | the target player |
revoke | set true if you want to revoke |
Advancement.only | Only unlocks on Advancment |
Entity | the target player |
String | your advancement |
revoke | set true if you want to revoke |
criterium | optional String for an advancement |
There are also Advancement.from
, Advancement.until
and Advancement.through
that have the same arguments as only.
revoke: true
⇒ advancement revoke only minecraft:story/mine_stone
# Clear
The Clear Widget removes Items from the inventory of an specified Entity.
constructor | |
Entity | the target Entity |
Item | the item to clear(you can also set the count in there) |
⇒ clear minecraft:apple 10
# Kill
Kills an Entity. It defaults to Entity.Self.
⇒ kill
# Spectate
Puts a spectator(@s) into an entity.
⇒ spectate [limit=1,sort=nearest]
# SetGamemode
Sets a players gamemode(either Gamemode.creative, Gamemode.adventure, Gamemode.survival or Gamemode.spectator) to an optional target.
SetGamemode(Gamemode.adventure,target: Entity.All())
⇒ gamemode creative
# Spawnpoint
Sets the respawn point of a player to a certain position.
constructor | |
entity | the Entity selector for your player |
position | the Location of the spawnpoint(optional) |
entity: Entity.Player(),
position: Location.rel(y: -10),
⇒ spawnpoint ~ ~-10 ~
# Attribute
The Attribute Widget adds certain abilities to an entity. This Widget gives you a varienty of methods to modify speed, attack damage, health and more.
Attribute.get | gets the calculated modifier(with base, armor and custom) |
Entity | the target |
String | the name of the attribute that you want to get |
scale | scaling of the retured value(optional) |
Attribute.set | sets the base modifier to a value |
Entity | the target that you want to modify |
String | the name of the attribute that you want to modify |
value | the new value |
Attribute.get_base | gets the base modifier |
Entity | the target that you want to get from |
String | the name of the attribute |
scale | scaling of the retured value(optional) |
Attribute.add | adds a modifier with an uuid |
Entity | the target that you want to get from |
String | the name of the attribute |
uuid | the id of your new modifier |
value | the value of your modifier |
name | the name of your modifier |
Attribute.remove | removes a modifier with an uuid again |
Entity | the target that you want to get from |
String | the name of the attribute |
uuid | the id of your new modifier |
Attribute.get_modifier | gets the modifiers value by uuid |
Entity | the target that you want to get from |
String | the name of the attribute |
uuid | the id of your new modifier |
scale | scaling of the retured value(optional) |
You can store the retured value in a Score using Score.setToWidget
# Return
Simple return command with integer return value val
Can be used in conjunction with File and scores to calculate with the return value:
Score(Entity.Self(),'test') << File('filename', child: Return(5));
Use Return.run(Widget)
to return the success and value of a single command.
Important: The provided Widget should just return a single command!
Return.run(Data.get(Entity.All(), path: 'path'))
If you want to return a failing state(success & value = 0), you can use Return.fail()
# FillBiome
Fills an area with a specified biome similar to the Fill widget
Optionally you can only replace another biome by setting replace
constructor | |
Biome | biome to set |
area | the Area to change |
replace | a Biome to replace (optional) |
area: Area.fromRanges(x: 10, dx: 10, dz: 10),
⇒ fillbiome 10 0 0 20 0 0 minecraft:dark_forest
# Damage
Wrapper for the damage command which simulates the situation of causing damage to the entity.
constructor | |
Entity | target entity |
amount | floating point number (must >= 0) |
damageType | String type of damage(optional) |
location | Location where to deal the damage(optional) |
by | Entity which deals damage(optional, not together with location) |
cause | specifies the cause Entity of the damage(optional, only together with by) |
amount: 4.5,
damageType: "minecraft:falling_block"
⇒ damage 4.5 minecraft:falling_block
For the by
and location
subcommands there exist seperate constructors:
Damage.at | |
Location | Location where to deal the damage |
target | target entity |
amount | floating point number (must >= 0) |
damageType | String type of damage(optional) |
Damage.by | |
Entity | Entity which deals damage |
target | target entity |
amount | floating point number (must >= 0) |
damageType | String type of damage(optional) |
cause | specifies the cause Entity of the damage(optional, only together with by) |
# Ride
Makes one entity ride another.
constructor | |
Entity | target entity |
Entity | vehicle entity, eg. boat, minecart, animal |
Ride(Entity.Self(), Entity(type: Entities.minecart, limit:1))
⇒ ride mount [limit=1,type=minecraft:minecart]
With Ride.dismount
you can dismount an entity again:
Ride.dismount | |
Entity | target entity |
# Random
Generate a random value from a given Range.
constructor | |
Range | the range to take values from |
roll | if true announces the value in the chat(random roll) |
sequence | sequence to pull deterministic values from(optional) |
Random(Range(from: 1, to: 5), roll: false, sequence: 'my_sequence')
⇒ random value 1..5 my_sequence
Using Random.reset, you can reset a particular sequence. You can specify a seed value and whether to include the sequence name and world in the generation of numbers.
Random.reset | |
String | sequence id |
seed | integer seed value(optional) |
includeWorldSeed | set to false if sequence should be independent of your world (optional, seed is required) |
includeSequenceId | set to false to make sequence independent of the id (optional, seed is required) |